Scientific contributions
12 SCI-papers: 4 as the 1st author + 2 submitted, high impact factor articles (IF>5): Nature Geoscience, Geochemical Perspectives Letters, Geology
H-index*: 9. Total citations*=203, 6 papers > 15 citations
Influential papers: Varas-Reus et al. 2019 Nature Geoscience: 38 citations*; Varas-Reus et al. 2017, Lithos: 17 citations*; Marchesi et al. 2016, Lithos: 48 citations*.
Contributions to scientific meetings: 29 hold in different countries (e.g., Germany, USA, Spain, Chile, Vienna, etc).
(*from Google Scholar database)
Research Interests
Se -Te elemental and Se isotope signatures in mantle xenoliths from active subduction zones (Patagonia) to identify mantle sources and crust-mantle transport mechanisms for ore metal enrichment.
Application of the non-traditional stable Se isotope system to high-temperature rocks from the Archean to modern times to characterize the chalcophile and volatile budget of the Earth’s mantle.
Petrology and geochemistry of ultramafic mantle rocks (peridotites and pyroxenites) and associated crustal rocks to understand the origin of elemental and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf radiogenic isotopic heterogeneities of the lithospheric mantle.
Isotope mixing models to identify potential end-members (terrestrial and extra-terrestrial sources) in providing the isotope signatures of mantle material.
Ph.D. in Earth Sciences
Instituto Andaluz de Ciencias de la Tierra – University of Granada, Spain
Graduate Cum Laude (highest distinction in Spain)
Master of Science in Geological Sciences
University of Chile, Chile
Graduated with Highest Distinction
BSc. Degree in Geology
University of Chile, Chile